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About This Site

For now, the main usage of this site is for me to post solutions for Leetcode problems. Although it did not came to me that I am posting mainly Leetcode stuffs.

After getting a job recently (finally), I’m a bit lost on what am I going to do with this.

“Chikuma” Chien

Junior Software Engineer, adventurer in Eorzea and a みこぴー. Although I didn’t liked web and the AI trend that is going on, but I guess I’m stuck with it.

Other Notes

  • The profile picture was taken at Feb, 2020 at Ueno Station. And the train was E4 Series Shinkansen. All of the E4 trains retired at 2021 (sad noise).
  • The title “Atelier Chikuma” comes from the atelier game series. I especially recommend “Atelier Sophie”.