Atelier Chikuma

Leetcode 1711 - Count Good Meals

Link to Problem Problem A good meal is a meal that contains exactly two different food items with a sum of deliciousness equal to a power of two. You can pick any two different foods to make a g...

Leetcode 1792 - Maximum Average Pass Ratio

Link to Problem Problem There is a school that has classes of students and each class will be having a final exam. You are given a 2D integer array classes, where classes [i] = [passi, totali]. Y...

Leetcode 1719 - Number Of Ways To Reconstruct A Tree

Link to problem Problem You are given an array pairs, where pairs[i] = [xi, yi], and: There are no duplicates xi < y1 Let ways be the number of rooted trees that satisfy the following c...

Looking at the Hiring Freeze as a New Grad

After received an email about Amazon cancelled their hiring event “Amazon day” on account of the Tech Industry Hiring Freeze, I felt quite depressed. Although I am doing by best to keep myself moti...

Leetcode 1822 - Sign of the Product of an Array

Link to problem Problem There is a function signFunc(x) that returns: 1 if x is positive. -1 if x is negative. 0 if x is equal to 0. You are given an integer array nums. Let product be ...

Leetcode 1497 - Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by k

Link to problem Problem Given an array of integers arr of even length n and an integer k. We want to divide the array into exactly n / 2 pairs such that the sum of each pair is divisible by k. R...

Holo Bot

Holo Bot is one of my projects that is still being maintained. It is a discord bot that checkes web servies and help notify users with new contents. After some years (2, to be more specific), many ...

So, I now have set up github.io

After some time getting to know Jekyll and tried out the (very nice looking) Chirpy theme, now I finally have my github.io page setup properly. But I’m still thinking about what should I post here....